Duze ilosci wg specyfikacji na maila drewna
Dane oferty:
Firma / Nazwisko:
Marcin Porowski
Numer oferty:
Data dodania:
do neg
Dane teleadresowe:
509 923 235
Opis oferty
1. Wood chips
The wood-chip fuel must conform to the following specification: Size Classification Maximum % Particulate Size Chip Maximum Extremes Designation <4% <20% 60-100% <20% Area cm² Length cm G30 <1mm 1 - 3mm 3 - 16mm >16mm 3 8.5 G50 <1mm 1 - 6mm 6 - 32mm >32mm 5 12 G100 <1mm 1 - 11mm 11 - 63mm >63mm 10 25 G120 <1mm 1 - 63mm 63 - 100mm >100mm 12 30 G150 <1mm 1 - 100mm 100 - 130mm >130mm 15 40 Moisture Content Classification Chip Designation Moisture Content in % (wet basis) MC Definition W20 <20 Air Dried W30 20-30 Undercover Stored W35 30-35 Limited Undercover Stored W40 35-40 Wet W50 40-50 Green Material Density Classification Chip Designation Material Density in kg/m³ Density Definition S160 <160 Low S200 160-250 Medium S250 >250 High Ash Content Classification Chip Designation Ash Content as % of fuel weight Ash Content definition A1 <1 Low A2 >1 High The above definitions have been extracted from ONORM M7 133 and DIN 66 165 specifications for wood chip fuel. |